Engineering Mathematics-I

Teaching Scheme


Examination Scheme

TH: 03 Hrs/Week


TH: 100 Marks

TUT: 01 Hrs/Week


TW: 25 Marks

Total Hrs: 36


Total Marks:125

Course Objectives:

1)      To develop mathematical and computational skills

2)      To enhance analytical and logical thinking power of students and deploy these skills effectively in their disciplines.

3)      To equip the students with concepts and techniques in Matrices and Differential Calculus.

4)      To enable the students to apply concepts and techniques in Ordinary & Partial differentiation.


Course Outcomes: After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

CO1: Solve system of linear equations by using the concept of Rank of the matrix

CO2:  Find Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors of the matrix

CO3:  Solve and apply the knowledge of ordinary differential equation of first order and first degree

CO4:  Deal with derivative of functions of several variables

CO5:  Apply partial differentiation to calculate Errors, Approximations and Extreme values

Prerequisite:  Matrices and Determinants, Differentiation and Integration, Differential Equation,